Program News
Welcome to the University of Pennsylvania’s Program in Asian American Studies (ASAM).
ASAM aims to prepare students intellectually as well as socially for the opportunities and challenges of their future careers whatever industry or area they choose. ASAM was established in Fall 1996 as a result of collective student, faculty, and alumni action. We are one of a handful of Ivy League institutions with a course of study in this dynamic and growing field, and we recently celebrated our 25th Anniversary!
Asian Pacific American Heritage Week (APAHW) Celebration Dinner
Join APAHW as they host a dinner with ASAM on Tuesday, March 4th, from 5-7 PM at McNeil 2nd Floor Atrium.
Asian American Across the Disciplines with Naw Doh, Karen Community Activist
Asian American Across the Disciplines Spring 2025 presents Naw Doh, Karen Community Activist.
Hosted by Dr. Fariha Khan in her course Asian American Food.
Asian American Across the Disciplines with Kenneth Yang, Esq., CEO Penn Asian Senior Services (PASSi)
Asian American Across the Disciplines with Kenneth Yang, Esq., CEO Penn Asian Senior Services (PASSi)
Hosted by Dr. Fariha Khan in her course Asian American Food.
Asian American Across the Disciplines with Eddy Zheng, President of New Breath Foundation
American Across the Disciplines presents Eddy Zheng, President of New Breath Foundation.
Asian American Across the Disciplines with Raksmeymony (Rex) Yin
Asian American Across the Disciplines presents Raksmeymony (Rex) Yin, Cambodian American Activist and educator. Rex also serves on the boards of the Cambodian Association of Greater Philadelphia, the Asian Mosaic Fund, and Mifflin Square Neighborhood Coalition.
Asian American Across the Disciplines with Cathi Choi, Executive Director of Women Cross DMZ
Asian American Across the Disciplines presents: The Far Right and the New Cold War: Transnational Organizing from Korea to the US in conversation with Cathi Choi, Executiv
ASAM March Book Club
ASAM March Book Club
Interested in reading more Asian-American literature? Join the ASAM Book Club!
This group offers a space to explore Asian-American literature and stories outside of the classroom!
Book Talk with Juwen Zhang, Professor at Willamette University
Asian American Across the Disciplines Series presents "Read behind Images: How Picture Books Reinforce Stereotypes" with Professor and Author Dr. Juwen Zhang, Willamette University.
The Yoonmee Chang Memorial Lecture 2025 with Curtis Chin, Author, Filmmaker and Activist
The Yoonmee Chang Memorial Lecture welcomes author, filmmaker and activist Curtis Chin.
CLALSES Series with Dr. Denise Berte Ziya, Clinical Psychologist specialized in Trauma and Refugees
CLALSES present Dr. Denise Berte Ziya, Executive Director - Peaceful Families Project, Clinical Psychologist specialized in Trauma and Refugees.