
ASAM March Book Club

Mar 21, 2025 at

McNeil 473


ASAM March Book Club

Interested in reading more Asian-American literature? Join the ASAM Book Club!

This group offers a space to explore Asian-American literature and stories outside of the classroom!

The amazing ASAM UAB facilitates the group meeting in a very chill, snacky, and conversational setting.

Please fill out here to reserve your seat and your book copy! A few copies remain. It is first come, first served. 

Note: Filling out the form is a commitment to participate as we have limited spots  ðŸ“šâœ¨

  • Our book is  "Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant." by Curtis Chin; the author will visit us on March 26th, where you can get your book signed!
  • The meeting is on March 21at, 12pm in McNeil 473
  • Pick up your free copy in 473 McNeil Building with Anabel, ASAM Administrative Coordinator. 

Questions? Reach out to our ASAM UAB co-chairs Sophia (sophia26@sas.upenn.edu), Joey (joeyc03@sas.upenn.edu), or Devdyuti (devdyuti@sas.upenn.edu)