
Please join us for a presentation by ASAM Fellow Angela Ji, who will share her research on contemporary queer Asian American women’s fiction. Lunch will be provided for all registrants!
Abstract: Angela is reading contemporary queer Asian American women’s fiction through a theory of utopia to study how the content and structure of these texts can help us negotiate a deeper understanding of our bodies, our communities, and our histories. The process of imagining utopia is a powerful way to define, challenge, and reimagine what it means to exist in our present reality, and through this literary exploration, Angela hopes to use these works to inform and inspire her future reading and creative writing.
Bio: Angela (she/her) is a senior pursuing a major in English, a Creative Writing concentration, and minors in Asian American Studies and Economics. At Penn, she has been involved in APSC, the Kelly Writers House, and various cultural organizations on campus. Outside of class, she can be found playing New York Times word games, exploring local bookstores, and air-frying everything she eats.
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