
Kevin Kumashiro Talk

Wednesday, September 25, 2019 - 12:00pm

Greenfield Intercultural Center (GIC) in partnership with LALS and ASAM invite leading educator Kevin Kumashiro to Penn on Wed, Sept. 25th.

Dr. Kumashiro has taught in schools and colleges across the United States and abroad, and has consulted for school districts, organizations, and state and federal agencies. He has authored dozens of articles and essays in academic journals and periodicals, as well as research briefs and position statements, and his work has been supported by over $5 million in federal and other grants.  He is an award-winning author and editor of ten books, including Troubling Education (recipient of the 2003 Gustavus Myers Outstanding Book Award), Against Common Sense: Teaching and Learning toward Social Justice (now in its Third Edition), and Bad Teacher!: How Blaming Teachers Distorts the Bigger Picture.