The ASAM Fellows Spring 2021 Symposium: The Foreign Body


The ASAM Program is hosting a spring colloquium with the undergraduate recipients of this year’s ASAM Fellowship: Claire Nguyen, Julci Areza, Tiffany Tieu, Erin Jin Mei O’Malley, Jaywon Kim, and Neelu Paleti. Each Fellow conducted and presented independent research projects that related to Asian American Studies, with a recurring theme of “The Foreign Body.” The Fellows will engage with scholars, professionals, and activists from around the country to examine how the state and greater geopolitical forces have politicized and controlled the foreign body: the Asian American body. These conversations will investigate how Asian American bodies are featured in mental and maternal health, science fiction, decarceration and deportation, and political engagement. Together, their works question the meaning of foreign bodies as they exist in the US and what this signifies for Asian Americans. 



Spring Colloquium Events:

March 19th at 1:00 PM: "Representing Asian Americans in Philadelphia: Education and the Census" Moderated by Julci Areza and Jaywon Kim

March 26th at 1:30 PM: "The Alien Asian / Asian Alien" Moderated by Claire Nguyen and Erin Jin Mei O’Malley

April 2nd at 1:00 PM: "Healthcare Access, Quality, and Disparities in Asian American Communities" Moderated by Neelu Paleti and Tiffany Tieu