2017 Recipient of Dr. Rosane Rocher Prize: Luke Kertcher


Congratulations to the 2017 recipient of the Dr. Rosane Rocher Prize for Best Undergraduate Essay in Asian American Studies Prize, Luke Kertcher. Luke a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences majoring in International Relations with minor in Asian American Studies. Luke’s essay, "From Sài Gòn to San Diego: A Refugee's Story," chronicles his mother's journey to the United States as a refugee from the former state of South Vietnam and their integration into American society contextualized in a broader historical narrative.
The Dr. Rosane Rocher Prize for Best Undergraduate Essay in Asian American Studies is awarded annually in honor of Dr. Rosane Rocher, the first Director of Asian American Studies at Penn. The ASAM program invites students and instructors to submit academic papers within any field of Asian American Studies.
